Loan Rates

Loan Schemes of the Bank
Nos. Types of Loans Limit Int. Rate (%)
1 Gold Loan Ordinary 3 month 10% - 12%
2 Agricultural Gold Loan 3 to 5 month Coppy of Land tax recipt off current year should be neccessory to open 7%
3 Deposit Loan 80% of deposit as loan ROI deposit limit 2%
4 Personal Loan(member security) 3 years 13%
5 Personal Loan(salary certificate) 5 years 13%
6 Mortgage Loan 5 Years 13%
7 Business Loan 3 Years 12%
7 SHG Loan/ JLG Loans (kudumbashree linkage loan,Joint Liability Group Loan,Self employment Loan) 2 Year to 3 Years - 1.2L To 5L 10% - 12%
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